The maturation of the coworking market showcases a more and more perceivable split between two kind of players : well funded growing coworking brands, with a multi-location strategy, on the one hand locally rooted independent coworking spaces with a more focused identity and community, on the other hand. The pattern gets confirmed is a steadily growing number of metropoles around the globe...
Business Articles
“Coworking is an emerging industry comparable to hotels or restaurants”
Jean-Yves Huwart, founder of and initiator of the Coworking Europe conference was interviewed, last month, by Building magazine, a Canada-based magazine covering the Real Estate and Construction industry. It's not a secret that the Real Estate industry is wondering how to deal with the growing phenomenon of coworking. The flexible model could slowly disrupt the...
“Coworking can help emerging countries to diversify their economy” – The Address (Algiers)
Marouan Aoudia is an Algerian national, born and educated in the US. During 10 years, he worked in the corporate world before shifting towards the entrepreneurial world, end of 2015, armed with a long list of projects among which to open a coworking space in Algeria : The Address. Hello Marouan. Could you introduce yourself as well as The Address project? I was introduced to coworking for the...
Coworking in Asia to challenge traditional hierarchies and make room for innovation?
In January 2015, the Hubud team created and hosted Coworking Unconference Asia, which had around 120 attendees from around Asia. During the last session at the event, the team asked the audience whether or not they should form an Asian Coworking Alliance. The simple question led to an impassioned discussion about the potential alliance, concluding with 3 coworking spaces offered to take the...
How to measure coworking business performances
At the most recent Coworking Europe conference, which took place in Brussels in November of last year, Anil George, Head of Operations at 91Springboard, India’s largest Coworking network, facilitated a masterclass on how Coworking spaces measure their business performance. Here is a sum up of the workshop. 1. Determine the right metrics and indicators Coworking spaces, like any other...
London: The coworking market sees signs of a price war looming
Hector Kolonas is the founder of, an online platform organising group purchases for a network of over 200 coworking communities in the world. The service helps the spaces to buy supplies and services at a discounted price, thanks to the generated volumes. As a London-based startup, which initially started to work with the London coworking ecosystem, Hector is ideally positioned to...
Ahoy! Berlin works on accommodating freelancers and corporations
Ahoy! Berlin is a Berlin based space for coworking and innovation. The more than 4.000 m2 big space host now freelancers as well as sartups and corporations. Hi Stéphanie, can you introduce the Ahoy! Berlin project? What is it about? Our main goal is to create a dynamic yet sustainable community where people have the freedom to collaborate, to explore and to have fun. We stand behind the main 5...
Coworking spaces in the EU getting ready to welcome UK leaving companies #brexit
Last week at the Social Workplace Amsterdam 2017 Conference, Eduard Schaepman, CEO of Tribes, told the audience that 26 companies from the UK already reached out to them to prepare the partial transfer of their team and activity to the Dutch city. "London established companies are using the passport multi-location flexible office brands offer to commute between cities and prepare themselves up...
Coworking hubs are a key driver of Amsterdam’s plan to become a world startup hotspot
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]StartupAmsterdam is a public/private initiative, with a time-span of four years to fortify the city’s position as leading startup hub in Europe, and increase the international visibility of Amsterdam’s startup ecosystem. The growth of a wide web of coworking spaces and accelerators all over Amsterdam is a strong argument used on StartupAmsterdam's communication...
The design of our space is research backed to promote varied types of interactions-Ben Gattie,The Working Capitol
Ben Gattie, the co-founder, and CEO at The Working Capitol wanted to nurture creative work environments in his home country of Singapore. After working for a real estate developer focused on SoHo loft conversions in New York City, Ben returned to Singapore about 8 years ago and set up The Bamboo Group, a boutique real estate company specializing in the redevelopment of neighborhood shop houses....
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