As human-centric workspaces are rise, so are workplace management tools.
Nexudus Spaces co-founder, Carlos Almansa has recognized the need for optimizing everyday tasks in the workplace.
Technology as a compliment, not a replacement
Some might be sceptical of running operations digitally, out of fear that it might take away from the human experience. But that just depends how we look at it. Technology can help, but not without a strong management team at the core of the coworking space. Tools such as Slack, Facebook groups or WhatsApp are not enough.
“Indeed, these tools, including our Nexudus platform, help people communicate with one another, says Carlos, but ultimately if the management team doesn’t work on a day-to-day basis to bring people to these tools and encourage them to post content, it won’t work”
Better understanding member needs through automation
Take an example of a good synchronization between automation and human interaction : check-ins.
Automatic check-in technology can help you better understand your member’s needs. “It provides operators with a considerable number of detailed reports on how you space is used, so they can discover useful information, i.e. the most active members, peak hours in the space, busiest day of the week, etc”, says Carlos.

Kisi Access Control for coworking spaces
That way, you can monitor when the space is most used.
Knowing who is coming and going can create a sense of ease for space managers, which plays into how operators choose to secure their coworking space.
If space operators choose to automate physical access to the space, they also can do so by implementing “access control systems, such as Kisi or DoorFlow”.
Such tools allow both operators and members to enhance their coworking needs, by tracking hours of operation and providing flexible use of the space, adds Carlos Almansa. As a result, the human driven operation will just come out better.
Community Building : again, online AND in person
While it would be nice to offer a personalized experience to each and every member each day, the tasks pile up, and most likely members will be more disappointed rather than satisfied with the results.
Remember, you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
Take the booking process : “Allowing your space members to book resources and rooms online makes day-to-day space management a lot simpler.”
That way, you can focus on building better relationships with your members, rather than waste time with manual low adding value tasks.
And tomorrow will be taken over by A.I. ?
Having an active blog running for your coworking community also plays an important role in shared workspaces. As coworking evolves, the community aspect has gone beyond the walls of the coworking space and has become an all encompassing world.
We are not there, yet, but let’s think about A.I, in a not to distant future, which may be the running mate for atomizing the workplace.
Sure, but at the moment, it hasn’t quite got the human touch so vitally needed for human-based communication.
However, when it comes to the future, we know that we haven’t even seen the beginning of the level of advancement from technology. For Carlos, the interaction between community members and coworking spaces is going to escalate in coming years. “The technology behind these spaces should be there to foster such change, such as providing tools that encourage people to work together”.