by Berta Calders | Jul 5, 2019 | Business, Coworking, Coworking Europe, Impact
Born a few kilometers away from the Harvard University campus, the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) has been a home for great entrepreneurs leading fast-growing companies since 1999. In 2018, CIC raised US$ 58 millions from HB Reavis, the Bratislava based real estate...
by Berta Calders | Jul 5, 2019 | Business Operations, Coworking, Hospitality, Real Estate
Josh Fine is the COO of Focus Property Group, a real estate operator that not only builds and owns their buildings but operate the businesses that are contained within the building as well, including coworking. We have interviewed Josh Fine to learn more about his...
by Berta Calders | Jun 28, 2019 | Coworking, Teleworking
Working from satellite offices can help employers, employees and the world in general in many ways. We have interviewed Jenny Schäpper-Uster, co-founder at VillageOffice in Switzerland, to find out more about her story, the principals behind the platform and the...
by Jean-Yves Huwart | Jun 12, 2019 | Business, Coworking, Teleworking
The percentage of teleworkers has been gradually increasing over the past 20 years in the US. Modern employees demand home-working options but what about teleworking in coworking spaces? How do coworking and teleworking work hand in hand, nowadays, in Europe? We asked...
by Berta Calders | Apr 10, 2019 | Business, Coworking Europe
Berlin based CoWomen is a community club and a coworking space for “driven women”. The space focuses on women on the rise. CoWomen, explain the founders, supports those “women on the rise” to achieve their goals with a workspace with beautiful...