Sell or Buy
Coworking Spaces

Here is how we make it easy to sell/buy a coworking space

Selling your space

We understand that selling your business can be a tough choice, especially in coworking. You know each of your members and a lot of time and energy has gone into growing your space, community and friends. For over 10 years our team run coworking spaces, talked about them, grew communities and helped dozens of spaces do the same.

One of your first decisions is to select someone to assist you in the process.  It is our job to guide you through this complicated process, provide you with lots of professional advice and match you with the right buyer.


Data Collection & Evaluation

Together with you we will look at all important data and metrics to really understand your business and your community in full confidentiality. 


How do you value a coworking spaces?

Valuing any business is a complex matter. Dozens of internal and external factors go into the valuation of a coworking space. Every coworking space is unique and in a different situation than others. The purpose of a valuation has significant impact (Is it for tax purposes? For the sale of a business? Are the founders splitting?) as does the person who commissions a valuation. In the end, you will only find out the real market price once you have successfully found a buyer and closed a deal.

What should I prepare for the valuation?


On the most basic level, you need to have your books in order. Any financial valuation relies on the correct numbers you take from your financial statements. 

For a deeper analysis we look at other characteristics of your space that hold value for potential buyers. This can include anything from a strong brand to a great team. 

Where do I get the numbers from?

If you use an accounting program, this should be able to produce your financial statements with a click. Alternativley, your acountant can help you with this.

What other information should I prepare?

Other information that could be important for valuing your spaces are

– The terms of your rental contract (How much time is left on your lease? Do you have an option for a prolongation?
-Where do your revenue streams come from? (Hot desk, Offices, Meeting rooms, etc)
-Do I see clear areas for improvement? Which revenues streams are growing? Where do I have trouble?
– How is my competition doing?

What other things should I consider at this stage?

Be aware of your priorities. Is it only money that you are looking for? Is the plan and perspective of the buyer with your space important to you? Often a seller might consider a lower offer from a buyer that better fits with her own vision for the space she created.  


Analysis & Marketing

Before tapping into our international network and approach potential partners, we will elaborate a financial and strategical valuation to give you a clear picture.

How do you help me to prepare my sales documents?

Apart from creating a financial valuation based on your numbers, we will take a deep dive into your business. Together with you we will identify which room for improvement or growth a buyer can expect. We will also work out any other strategic benefits that your space could bring to a potential buyer.

How do you find possible buyers?

We not only have a database with thousands of companies which might be interested in your space. This might be other coworking spaces, entrepreneurs that want to enter the market, financial investors, Real Estate companies and many more.

How will you treat all the data that I give you?


Before we start working with you, we will sign a non-disclosure agreement. We will only use the information you provide us for the objective of selling your space. Before we share any of your information with a potential buyer, we will ask your permission.


Buying Process Guidance

Negotiations can be a lengthy process. As your partner, we will guide you through them transparently and be at your side at every step of the process.

Will you assist during the negotiations with the buyer?

We will help you to reach the best possible agreement with the buyer and we will be at yoru side all the way.

What if there are more than 1 interested buyers?

Some buyers will ask you for an exclusivity period for negotiating. Unless this is the case, we recommend talking to all interested parties creating a shortlist quickly.

Will you take part in the due diligence?

We are neither lawyers nor accountants. For creating the sales contract you will most likely need your trusted lawyer to help you with the legal terms of the transaction and your accountant to make sure that you get the best out of any deal considering the local tax laws and your tax situation.

What should I expect in a SPA (Sales Purchase Agreement)?

There is a wider variety of clauses, reps and warranties that can be agreed on in a SPA. Those will depend on the details of your deal and are meant to answer questions like

  • Are you promising any KPI, sales numbers, occupancy levels, etc?
  • Are you selling the whole legal entity of your space(s) or only the assets like furniture?
  • Are you agreeing on a fixed price, or is the price bound to certain KPIs in the future?
  • Will you as founder or your team keep working for the new owner?
How much does your service cost?

In any case that you successfully sell your space we charge between 5% and 10% of the transaction value for our services.

Why choose us as partner?

We know coworking

Understanding every aspect of coworking is what we do. Every Coworking Space and its community is unique. We have been running and consulting coworking spaces for over 10 years. Over time we have seen dozens of different spaces & communities.

We know the market

With combine your operational KPIs like revenue, costs, margins, space distribution with our market knowledge to guide you to the right valuation for your coworking and select the best partner.

We are a trusted partner

With our ample network of professional connections we are able to speed up your search for the right partner and connect you while safeguarding the utmost confidentiality.


The workplace is changing.

Let’s shape the future of the workplace together!


Office Location

Somewhere on earth 😉
Between Spain & Belgium
Open Everyday 8am-5pm


Contact Us
+32 (0) 476 295 641